So this is how the story goes. Sunday we attend our daughter's church and all across the stage are little minions from the movie, Despicable Me. So not in favor of referring that term upon any human, let alone one who has been redeemed as despicable, but that is another story.
I was impressed by a little minion with one eye on the front row of minions. Why would I even give a famed disney character a second thought in the middle of worship? Not failing to take into account that they were all over the stage and a little hard to miss. Well that one-eyed character reminded me of a real life shark I saw the other day on line that has one eye. Yep it has been scientifically proven. I did my research and it is NOT a HOAX.
From that thought, I began to envision it and how it lives in the depths of the sea with creatures man is still discovering. You mean God is still hiding creatures for man to find after all these millinia? Or maybe He is just creating them as He goes. Who knows right? Pretty cool if you ask me.
Each of the sea creatures is unique. Each functions exactly as is necessary to survive and thrive in their respective surroundings. That thought led me to the Wow of God! How can people look at creation and think some random boom created such perfection and thus ignore the existence of God? Each creature reveals a bit of His creativity and amazing ingenuity and humor oh my a one eyed ugly fish, ha!
If God, who is so concerned with the specifics of the creatures in the sea, how much more is He concerned with all the facets of my life or your life? Why does it seem so easy to abandon, in our darkest moments, such realities. I do it and I am pretty sure you do too. I mean, He literally knows when every sparrow falls. Every bird has the Father's eye. I don't get it, but that is what He said and in my world God doesn't nor can He lie. He knows all the hairs that are on our head. Really? Do I know how many fall out of my head as I brush it several times a day. I have no clue and honestly could care less. But He is keeping track, why? Because He cares that much! I believe it all as I see a yellow disney minion on the stage.